Monday, April 2, 2012


Interesting news today.  Dr. Breed called and said he may have heard a heart murmur when evaluating Abby.  At this point, they'll just watch it, as it may clear up on its own, but that was worrisome news.  He also said Monday was the last day of the meds for both girls to help with their residuals, so he'll be curious to see how it goes once they are off of it.  And, finally, he ordered Boudreaux's Butt Paste for both girls, as both seemed to be developing a slight diaper rash.

Matt and I went up to the hospital for the 2:30 feeding, and he held Abby while I held Hazel.  Both tolerated it well.  

Afterwards, we grabbed dinner and then headed over to the Diffens' new house to watch Wrestlemania with them and the Newberrys.  The Rock pinned Cena in the main event, and the Undertaker and Triple H beat up on each other before the Undertaker finally tombstoned HHH and went 20-0 at Wrestlemania. 

We also watched Brydon and Logan beat up on each other, as well as tire out all of the guys.  Pretty cute.  Hard to believe the girls will be that big!


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