Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Bath TIme!

I gave Abby a bath yesterday!  First time (for me) ever!  Mary Amanda (who met them for the first time yesterday) took tons of pictures for me:

 (this last one is Hazel through the porthole of her isolette)

Afterwards, I held Abby for about an hour, pumped, and then held Hazel for about 45-60 minutes.  There was nothing new to report medical wise from the doctor, aside from the fact that they had tried to step Hazel down from 4 liters of oxygen to 3, she had some episodes, and so they stepped her back up to 3.5, which she seemed to tolerate better.

Hazel was also up to 3 pounds 2 ounces; Abby is at 2 pounds 14 ounces.  

After leaving the hospital, I drove a few minutes north to Opal Divines to meet up with the soccer team (they had a bye this week).  It was fun to see everyone, and catch up on the soccer team happenings.  Matt was able to make it too!


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