Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Many Faces of Hazel & Abigail

Yesterday I held both girls separately, and while they were swaddled.  Fortunately I had my iPhone handy, and was able to take some great pics of facial expressions.

Before I get to the pictures... Hazel weighs 3"11 (1 pound over birth weight!) and Abby weighs 3"5 (13 oz over BW).  Tara, the nurse, said that Hazel is doing a good job of regulating her temperature, and once she gets to 4 pounds, she'll be taken out of the isolette.  Woohoo!  Abby is probably a few days behind her on that.

Dr. Wheatley called last night and said she was going to reduce Hazel's oxygen to 2 liters (from 2.5) and Abby's oxygen to 1 liter (from 1.5).  Since both are about a month old, they'll have their Hepatitis B shots and have brain scans tomorrow (Wed).  Hard to believe it's been almost a month!  :)


And Hazel (is it me, or does she look a bit like Anakin Skywalker from ROTJ in some of these?):


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