I read there were/are going to be 3 Friday the 13ths this year, in February, April, and July, and apparently the Friday the 13ths are 13 weeks apart. Freaky. :)
No major news to report today. Abby's diaper rash has healed up considerably, which is good. Both girls are still doing well with their feedings (Hazel at 35, Abby at 29). I held both today (swaddled), and while originally they were in each arm, I ended up moving Abby (carefully) to my chest in order to free up a hand. Afterwards, I visited with Darcy and her mom and grandmother, and then Matt and I met up with Matthew for dinner (he was in town for his monthly MBA type class). Matt and I headed home and crashed.
Pics from the day!
Abby - her hat (made by Becky) came off due to squirmng |
Hazel, chin on my arm |
Hazel, later while holding her - I like how her chin is squished by her hand |
The Scates girls! |
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