Sunday, April 29, 2012

Duck, Duck, Goose ... and a Wedding

Good news on the feeding front:  Hazel has been upped to two nipple/oral feedings out of three (up from every other feeding), and Abigail will have a nipple/oral feeding at every other feeding (up from three times a day).  The nurse, Cindy, said Hazel's schedule is "nipple, nipple, gavage," which made me think of the title.  (Yup, I'm random.  Pretty much all the time.)

Hazel did okay with the breast feeding today - we went for about 10-15 minutes.  She bradyed four times, though (one was due to spitting up and at least two of the others were because she was asleep).  I fed her the rest of her bottle - 20 ml - and she took it all.  Good girl!

Typical Abby, she started off slow again.  And, as usual, just about the time I was about to give up she decided she was interested, and went for about 5-10 minutes.  She does do a good job of sucking and stopping to breathe.  Not as interested in the bottle - she sucked on it for a bit, but spit up part of it and fell asleep, so we didn't finish it.

I headed home early so Matt and I could go to a wedding of a friend.  It was outdoors at a local venue not too far from us, and everything was really nice.  Interestingly, this is the third wedding in a row we've been to in Austin, and none of the three weddings have been on a Saturday.  Of the streak, the first one was on a Friday in November, then a Sunday in March, and now this one, also on a Sunday.  I haven't had to work the following Monday for either of the Sunday weddings, because otherwise it seems pretty normal.

After we came home, Matt fell asleep while I pumped, so I ended up working on the nursery, including sorting clothes for washing, throwing said clothes in the wash, taking out the trash, and doing other assorted tasks.  FWIW, he's still snoring on the bed as I type this during my last pump of the night.  :)


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