Monday, April 30, 2012

Seven Weeks and a Manic Monday

This song was running through my head this morning as I worked on various tasks before heading to the hospital.  And, of course, after I left the house, I realized my phone was still at home, making the day even more manic.

The girls are seven weeks old today!  Hazel is 4 pounds 14 ounces, and Abby is 4 pounds 11 ounces.  I forgot to check their length, but will do it tomorrow.  I figured out last week that it took the girls a month to gain one pound, and two weeks to gain their second pound.  

Breast feeding is still progressing.  Hazel was on for about 15ish minutes, and took the rest via bottle, although she did better bottle feeding with Cathy the nurse than with me.  I'm guessing it's because (a) Cathy is more experienced at it and (b) I was holding Hazel in more of a snuggle hold, so she was more interested in sleeping than eating.  She finished the whole bottle with Cathy, though.

Abby, as usual, didn't seem interested for the first ten minutes, and then after she became interested she sucked for about 10-12 minutes.  I didn't get to bottle feed the rest to her because it was 'kick out the visitors' time at the NICU (6:30 pm).  But she was taking the bottle from the nurse really well when I left.

Both girls' diaper rashes seem to be much better, although they are still using the Ilex on them.  And, for the second day in a row, Dr. Breed came by while I was breast feeding (or attempting), so he gave me the update ("girls are doing well...") behind the screen.  Slightly awkward, but less awkward than him actually watching, I guess.

Since I held Abby yesterday, today was my day to hold Hazel.  I got really sleepy and ended up napping with her for about 30-45 minutes ... Cathy came by several times to check on us and to remind me to pump.  :)

Tonight, as well as the past few days, I've been hard at work fixing up the nursery.  Almost all of the girls' clothes are washed, and I finished cleaning out their closet tonight.  I took several "before" pictures, so I'll upload those when I post about the finished product.  Hopefully it'll be in pretty good shape by this weekend!

Pics from the day:

Abby - she squirmed from the center of the crib all the way over to the side.

Another shot of Abby, post squirming.

Hazel in a bunny outfit.

Hazel sucking on her thumb.  Pretty cute.


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