That phrase makes me think of Europe's song "The Final Countdown." Ah, I love that song (much to Matt's chagrin sometimes). Unfortunately, as Dr. Breed put it today, we are in a perpetual, not final, countdown for Hazel's discharge. There were no new changes today for her, as the plan is we'll just wait and see if the previous changes (rice cereal addition, raised crib, etc) have any effect.
Thanks to my parents babysitting Abby at home, I was able to spend all afternoon with Hazel today. We had some trouble during her feeding time, mainly due to a stubborn air bubble in her tummy, but after that she settled down and seemed pretty content in my arms. I probably could have napped, too - it was pretty quiet in the NICU today, especially since there are only six babies in there now (which is SO much better than when there were 12 - that was crazy).
Tonight we enjoyed watching Game 6 of the Thunder/Spurs playoff series. Thunder win! I also watched part of Game 3 of the OU/Alabama WCWS before I left to pump. Not looking good for the Sooners - and I partially blame myself, as I have not watched any other games prior to this one. Did I jinx them???
Pics for the day:
Meme feeding Abby. |
Hazel's food setup in the NICU, which actually needs a mortar and pestle to concoct. |
Hazel and her cute chunky cheeks (awake). |
Napping Hazel and her cute chunky cheeks (asleep). |
Fawning over the Abs. |
We have already taught her how to be a passionate sports fan. ;) |
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