Overall, the first day and night with Abby home went well. Matt and I took turns getting up, and between the two of us handled it pretty well, I think. Hopefully we get the routine down enough so adding a second baby (next Monday - fingers crossed!) won't be too bad. I think we definitely have several advantages with this, even though Abby is a newborn (per adjusted age): she's been on a schedule of eating every 3 hours since she was born, I'm fully recovered from the birth, and I have an established milk supply with plenty in the fridge (so I don't need to be there for every feeding). Plus, Matt has been super awesome about taking care of her - he volunteers to change the diaper, hold her, stay with her, feed her, etc. I don't know how I'd manage without him.
I made a trip up to the hospital tonight to visit Hazel. She apparently has been missing her sister, as she was awake and wanting to be held all afternoon/evening. She also has been eating a ton! Rachel said she ate 180 ml at her 8p/9p feeding, although part of that was due to her spitting up some of her earlier meal. But that's still crazy! Anyway, I arrived at the hospital later than I had planned, so I only stayed up there for a little over an hour, but it was really nice to hold her. Hazel seemed to like it, too.
Matt said Abby was slightly fussy while I was gone to the hospital. He'd try to put her down and she wasn't having it, so he walked around, took her outside, and finally found a spot to put her - the vibrating bouncy seat. She seemed comfortable there when I got home. :) One other thing he discovered ... While my parents were in China in April, they had a man draw the girls' names in Mandarin. It is black ink on a white background (with a red border). Well, babies really like to look at contrasts (Abby and Hazel had a black/white thing on their cribs in the NICU), and this name thing is black/white, so Matt put it in the cosleeper with Abby (Matt: "the sides of the cosleeper would be boring for her to look at") and she was mesmerized. It was pretty cute and very clever of Matt!
Since I've got the next feeding responsibility, I stayed up to wash the gear/bottles, sanitize them, and then get a pump session in before Abby wakes. Merry dog was pretty cute - she followed me around, and when we were in the bedroom, she slept next to the bouncy seat with Abby in it. So sweet.
Most of my pictures from the last few days were in the last post, but here are a few from tonight:
Side profile of Hazel. |
Sleepy Hazel. |
Aerial view. With a pacifier coming out of her head. |
Abby in her cosleeper. |
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