Nothing new to report on the Hazel front. Dr. McCormick is going to lower her crib (since it has been raised for 48 hours) to see if the rice cereal/prilosec have had any effect on her reflux issues. She considered taking Hazel off of the Similac Special Care, since the weight gain has gone up, but decided to wait and let Dr. Breed make that decision, since he'll be back tomorrow (Friday - it's tomorrow to me because I haven't slept yet). Her last sleep incident was two days ago as well, so there may be a correlation. We'll see.
Since my parents were heading out early in the afternoon, I visited Hazel earlier in the day for a shorter time. We had some quality bonding time and then headed home to send off my parents and take care of Abby. Interestingly, Hazel threw up again last night, apparently all over poor Rachel, and the aim was accurate enough that Rachel had to change her nurse uniform. I wonder what is causing her to throw up in the last few days. It doesn't appear to be affecting her weight at all, though, as she was 7 pounds 11 oz when I visited, and tonight when Matt was there she weighed in at 7 pounds 13 ounces. That girl is growing!
Abby and I spent a casual afternoon taking care of some miscellaneous house tasks and then later watching part of Game Six of the NBA Eastern Conference Finals. The Heat were up 23 with not much time left in the 4th quarter when I flipped to Frasier/Friends reruns. Ah, comfort TV.
Pics from the day:
Abby sleeping on my arm in the afternoon. |
Showing off the cute onesie from Saradee & Sammy. |
"No more pictures!!!" |
Tongue. Out. |
Sleepy Hazel. The nurse says she looks like me? |
Somebody was not happy about having her temperature taken. |
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