Dr. Breed called yesterday. Hazel had another rather major episode in the morning, enough to warrant observation for a few more days. The doctor left a message, and in it he apologized about three times for thinking that Hazel was almost ready. I think he felt bad about getting my hopes up. He really seems like a nice guy.
When I visited last night, Rachel was there, and told me I just missed another vomit + episode for Hazel (once again requiring Rachel to change her scrubs). Rachel said "she has earned herself a wedge," meaning she'll be sleeping on an incline in her crib (even more so than the crib is currently inclined). It is weird to both of us, as Hazel hasn't been a vomitor (is that a word?) until about this past week, and we're not sure what the cause is.
Yesterday afternoon Darcy and her mom came to visit! It was nice to see them, and finally have Abby and Darcy meet (and compare sizes). ;) Darcy also lent Abby and Hazel some clothes, which was very nice of her ... and I'm sure it won't be the last time in their lives that happens. ;)
Last night was somewhat eventful with the Abs. While I was at the hospital, Matt said she never really went to sleep and wouldn't quiet down unless he was holding her. We fed her several times, but even after eating a ton she was still pretty fussy. Thanks to Dr. Google, looks like we are in the midst of the 7-10 day growth spurt (remembering she is that old in "adjusted age," which is how we'll track her development), and that tends to make babies fussy. Our solution? We gave her a bath (she seemed to really enjoy it), fed her AGAIN, and then put her down. That seemed to work! She slept from 2:00 am until 7:30 when Matt woke her up to feed her.
Pics from the last few days!
Abby and Darcy: the first meeting. |
Abby-nator the Elf? |
No pictures, please. I'm sleeping. |
Hazel napping on my chest. |
One of Abby's favorite spots. |
Something must be interesting up there. |
Hazel, showing off her cute "scate" onesie. |
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