Well, we lived to talk about it. :)
After running around taking care of a few last minute errands yesterday, Matt and I (plus the Abs) arrived at the NICU. We had one last feeding with nurse supervision, went over some specifics and papers, and said goodbye to the nurses and staff. Dr. Breed came by, as well - I wish we had been able to talk to him more, but at the time I was in the middle of a Hazel diaper/clothing change and Matt was feeding Abby, so we didn't get to spend much time with him. Of course, I don't think we would have been able to thank him (or anyone else) enough for everything they've done for the girls. I am going to miss him and everyone else at the NICU. They've been such a huge part of our lives for over three months, and everyone we met and dealt with was always so friendly, helpful, and professional. Without them, Hazel and Abby wouldn't be here today. Even though I'm very happy the girls are no longer in the NICU, I'll miss seeing and talking to the friends I made there.
BOTH girls were loaded into the car, and we headed home. Of course, our timing is impeccable; as with Abby, we left the hospital right around rush hour. Fortunately, this time traffic was moving great, so there was no extra time in the car.
The first night was a bit rough. We were up until about 2:30ish, were woken up by the Abs around 4:45ish, and then went back to bed around 6:15. Hazel spit up about 10 minutes after that (fortunately, no need for a clothing change), and then Hazel woke up at 8:15. After feeding both, we then went back to bed until about 11:00ish. Hopefully we can get them more on a schedule or we can get naps throughout the day - or both. :) Eventually we'll get the hang of it, but right now I can't fathom how only one person can handle two newborns.
Overall, though, it is SO nice to have everyone under the same roof. And no more worries about making it to the NICU to visit someone.
Cute pics from our first few days:
The girls in the carseats just before leaving the NICU. |
Hazel in her NICU bouncy, just before the wires were cut. ;) |
The whole family leaving the hospital. Abs is waving. |
The backseat is now officially full. |
Hazel getting burped at home. |
Help me Abby Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope. |
Sleepy girls. Abs above, Hazel below. |
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