Hazel may have her sleep study done tomorrow night, and if she passes, will be discharged on Sunday! I knew her last episode was June 6, but I didn't realize we were working on an actual countdown. When Dr. Breed talked to me about it I was surprised! So, fingers crossed!
In the meantime, Hazel is gaining weight and otherwise doing well. She was up to 7 pounds, 14 ounces today, so we'll be close to the 8 pound mark soon. It is hard to believe how far she and Abby have come since they were born. In order to help with her reflux, Hazel still has the rice cereal mixed in with her food (combo breast milk and Similac Special Care). I talked to Dr. Breed tonight (he happened to come in when I was there after feeding Hazel at 9:00 pm) about whether we'll continue the Similac after she is discharged, since she is obviously gaining weight - looks like we may discontinue it once we finish it off (same for Abby). Which is good, since you have to basically special order that stuff at around $70 for a case ... and in about 10 days we're 2/3 through a case just feeding Abby. Hmm. I wonder if this would be tax deductible as a medical expense?
Speaking of the Abs, she is doing well at home. Today was the my first full day alone with her, and we managed pretty well. She was awake most of the afternoon, so we had some tummy time and I took some really cute pictures and video. Definitely wanted to be held today - she fell asleep on my shoulder after getting burped, and when I finally got up to do something, she cried until I held her again. Then tonight, after Matt got home, same thing - he put her in the bouncy seat so he could play guitar, and she cried until he picked her up and held her (which is what he's doing now while watching youtube videos of songs with good guitar).
Pics and video for the day!
Abby in her playgym. Look! Owls! |
If there was a double chin Olympics, I'd win gold! |
Stylin' in her cute shirt (thanks Saradee!) on her beautiful blanket (thanks Momans!). |
Tummy time ... to the left! |
Tummy time ... to the right! (she flipped her own head!) |
Hazel napping in my arms in the NICU. |
Adding videos is going to take some time, so I'll just do that in another post. :)
Cousin' Lexi says THEY ARE SOOOOOO CUTE.
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