Thursday, April 12, 2012

One Month Old!

The girls are one month old today!  I'm going to throw out the mom cliche ... where did the time go???  Seems like just yesterday I was admitted to the hospital for preterm labor.  ;)  Since I wanted to do something to celebrate this milestone, I brought in mini chocolate chip cookies and brownie bites for the NICU staff.  I hope they liked them!

Hazel was 3 pounds, 13 ounces today ... 1 pound and 2 oz over her birth weight.
Abigail was 3 pounds, 8 ounces today ... 1 pound over her birth weight.

They were checked out by the eye doctor today.  Abigail was normal, and will get the regular checkup in 2 weeks.  The doctor detected something with Hazel, though (something that thickened?  lots of medical talk), and will follow up with her in a week.  At this point, it is just something they are watching...not yet something they are worried about.  So I'll take that approach as well.

I held both girls (swaddled) at the same time today.  Super cool, because that was the first time I'd held them like that together.  Of course, the two main drawbacks were: (a) I couldn't decide who I wanted to focus on - both girls were so adorable - so I was constantly turning my head to look at Hazel, then Abby, then back to Hazel, then Abby, and so forth; and (b) no free hand to take pictures!  I think I am able to tell them apart now, though.  Hopefully.  Although we have the birthmark in case I get mixed up.  :)  Also, again, they showed their different personalities:  Hazel kept squirming and moving her feet/hands (and tooted multiple times) ; Abby (who was more tightly swaddled) laid there, looked at me with her big eyes, and then went to sleep. of the girls at one month!
Hazel sleeping in my arm
Hazel's foot
Abby napping in her isolette


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