Friday, April 27, 2012

In the No News is Good News Department...

"Nothing new today, really."

I usually text Matt updates from my visit with the girls and also to let him know the latest from the doctor.  Today, I didn't have anything new to report.  The girls continue to look good, put on weight, and work on oral feedings (both did better today, but also fell asleep about 10-15 min into it).  And, as typical, Hazel normally bradys/desats at the beginning of a feeding (she did with me today, too - she gagged and I knew it was about to happen).  The good news is "sucking" has started to kick in for both Hazel and Abigail.  After we finished the 5:30 temp/diaper change, Hazel started sucking on her fingers and the blanket.  And Abby actually took the pacifier, looking very cute all swaddled up in her crib.

Pics from the day:
The Abs.

The pacifier is almost as big as Abigail!

Hail citizens!  - Abby

"What did I tell you about pictures?"

Hazel is certainly adding the baby fat in her tummy.

Fingers!  Yummy?

"If you would just *feed* me I wouldn't have to resort to sucking my fingers."

Profile shot of finger sucking


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