Thursday, April 26, 2012

Eyes, Ears, and Mouths

The girls had the follow-up eye exams today.  Hazel's eyes looked better, but the doctor still wants to check again next week to see how they are progressing.  Abigail's will be checked again in two weeks.  Hopefully there will be no permanent issues with either of them.

While I was there this afternoon, a technician came by to do hearing scans for both girls.  It was interesting - the tech hooked up a series of wires, plus a wire/gelatin thing on each ear, and then measured the brain waves to determine if each ear passed or failed.  Hazel passed with no problem.  Abby, though, did not pass either ear.  The tech told me this was actually Abby's second hearing scan (she had failed the first one, too), but the NICU babies are given three tests, so Abby's final test will likely be closer to the discharge date.  Apparently the odds are very small that she fails that one too, but if so, she'd get an outpatient appointment for after discharge for a four test, and if that one doesn't go well either, she'd be referred to a specialist (with even lower odds for this to happen).  I think this is one of those things that I am going to try not to worry about now, since the odds are so slim; plus, I wouldn't probably even know about it if I hadn't happened to have been present at the time the test was performed (for example, I didn't know she had a previous test).

Both girls did much better on breast feeding!  Hazel took to it for a bit, but then passed out.  Abigail finished her entire bottle this morning (woohoo!!!), and actually sucked for me for about 10-15 min before she passed out too.  Yay!  I am still nervous and anxious about this going well, but today's developments certainly helped!

Abby - chillin'

Hazel ... peaceful

Hazel ... not so peaceful

Hazel ... still not peaceful


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