Saturday, April 21, 2012

Consignment FTW

Dr. Breed called and left a message about the girls before I got to the hospital, and noted each girl has their strength and weakness.  Hazel is really good about eating - he upped her to bottle feeds to *three* times a day - but needs to work on breathing.  She seems to work them out, but still has the occasional apnea and brady event, so her cannula is still on one liter of oxygen.  Abby, on the other hand, is breathing great, and hasn't had an apnea in four days, but is still not sure about the oral feeding thing.  So, he concluded, maybe both girls can learn from each other.  Interesting contrast of the girls.

I tried breast feeding again today.  Hazel took to it generally, but had a brady event three times in close succession, so we had to stop.  Abby still wasn't super interested, but using a nipple shield helped with her, I think.  So I then spent most of the afternoon holding the girls:


Abby's ear.

Hazel showing off her lips.

In the evening, I met up with Mary Amanda at the Austin Moms of Multiples ("AMOM") bi-annual consignment sale.  Matt and I had planned to go to this for months, but of course originally I was worried about whether the girls would come too early for me to go (or I would be so pregnant I could move).  Well, the girls arriving in March certainly made it easier for me to attend!  We got there about 6:30 pm, thirty minutes before it opened to AMOM membership for a private sale, and the line was already about 45 people deep.  We kept seeing AMOM volunteers and others that were allowed to shop earlier than us walking out with good stuff.  :)  Anyway, we were allowed in at 7:00 pm, and I made a beeline for the bigger stuff, and ended up with two bouncer seats totaling about $30!  (retail would be at least $30-$40 per seat).  I picked up a Baby Bjorn, a Baby K'Tan, blankets, several toys, and clothes, too, and only spent half of my cash for all the stuff I got.  Score!  Mary and I ended up being towards the last ones to leave (the checkout line was so long), and I finally got home at 11:00 pm!  Talk about a long evening...but worth it.


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