Monday, April 16, 2012

Bottle Feedings

Day number two of working on oral feedings.  Both girls were kinda interested in the nipple, but eventually we just bottle fed them for awhile and they got the rest via tube.  It's a work in progress, but they're doing really well!

Matt fed/held Hazel and I fed/held Abby.  Hazel was really cute ... fussing, squirming, and making noises.  Matt thinks it is because she was working on a few toots - and she had a few - and also really felt the need to suck on something.  As soon as the nurse gave her a pacifier, she took it in her mouth, vigorously sucked on it, and immediately calmed down.

Abby, on the other hand, was basically calm the whole time.  She looked at me for a bit with her big eyes, then spent some time looking around at things.  Eventually, her eyes got heavy, and she felt asleep nestled in my arm.


Unhappy fussing Hazel
Hazel gets the binky
And...happy Hazel sucking on the binky.


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