Lots of talking on the phone to insurance companies today. One was doing the initial interview to find out about the girls, and the other was double checking that the girls were no longer covered. Yes. And Yes. Fortunately, I was also able to *finally* run by Goodwill and donate a bunch of clothes and miscellaneous stuff.
As a result, I walk into the NICU later than normal. Much to my surprise, there have been MORE developments! The girls have moved from an open isolette to a completely open crib! SO exciting:
As for updates, both girls upped their feedings again - Hazel is now up to 37 ml and Abby is at 35. Also, since Hazel seems to be handling it so well, Dr. Breed is going to have Hazel get two bottle feedings a day (plus a time at the breast), while Abby is still at one and one. Hazel is also going down to 1 liter of oxygen - he'd like to wean her off in the next week. Both girls' diaper rashes are much better, but they are still going to get the Ilex until they're gone. The eye doctor visited Hazel for her follow up, and the growth is still there, so the doc will see her again next week, along with Abby. And, Hazel is up to 4 pounds 7 oz (she was 4"5 yesterday) and Abigail is up to 4 pounds 2 ounces (she was 4"1 yesterday).
I tried breast feeding again with both girls. Hazel latched on a few times, better than the day before. Abby tried to as well - MUCH better than the day before - but is still not as interested. So we'll see how that goes.
Since I had gotten there late, I stuck around during the nurse shift change and then visited them again at 8:30 pm. Matt was able to come then too, and, since open crib means we can hold them as long as we want at any time, we picked the girls up out of the cribs, each held one (him Hazel, me Abby), and talked to each other about the latest events and happenings. It was really, really nice. We finally decided to leave around 10:30, and as we were walking out, Matt said he really enjoyed that and was looking forward to holding them and spending time with each other in the future. ME too. :)
Here are some pictures from today:
Abby |
Abby with a bow. One of the nurses stuck it on there. |
Abby making faces... |
Big eyes on Abby. |
Hazel and her binky. |
Full body shot of Hazel. |
Profile shot of Hazel. |
Sleepy Hazel. |
Matt and Hazel |
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