Thursday, May 31, 2012

Post of Pictures!

An assortment of the pictures I've taken the last few days:
Matt putting in the carseat and rearview mirror.

Our shared dessert at NxNW before heading to the hospital.
Hazel: "Goodbye, my sister..."

"...don't tell the parents, but the NICU is the party place."
The girls' setup in NICU3; Hazel on the left, Abigail on the right.
Our room in the hospital with the Abs.

The hidden equipment.  It was very 007-ish.

Look ma!  No wires!

Deep in thought while sleeping.

Matt feeding Abby at O-dark-thirty.

Check out my going-home outfit!  Ribbons!

This was to be my going home hat, but my head grew. ;)

Gladys, you're going to put me in there?  What is that?
My first time outside!
Blurry family picture.  With only half of Abby's head.  But it proves we were all there. ;)

Hello?  I'd like a hamburger and some french-a fries, please.
I'm so happy to be home!!!

Zonked out, times 2.

Facebooking with Dad.
This burp cloth tastes AWESOME.



Mary Amanda said...

So glad y'all are home! The waiving picture is priceless!

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