Saturday, May 12, 2012

Jerry, The Cafeteria Guy

I've talked about him a bit, so Matt suggested I post about it.

Usually three or four times a week, I'll get lunch at the hospital cafeteria.  The entree changes each day, so there is good variety, plus I can squeeze in some veggies and fruit into my diet.  (I always have the option of chicken tenders, fries, and hamburgers/cheeseburgers, too.)  But, since the cafeteria closes at 6:30 pm (on the dot) during the week, I usually go to the bistro (next to the cafeteria in the atrium) for a snack/coffee/dinner depending on how hungry I get.

Jerry is one of the cashiers at the cafeteria.  He is probably in his 50s, with an average build and gray/white hair that is thinning on the top.  He is generally friendly, but watching him work, you can tell he is very intent on his job.

So, the thing I've noticed about Jerry.  He says "okay" all the time.  A typical transaction:

I walk up to the cash register.  
Jerry:  "Is that it?"  (which I find somewhat humorous, since he asks this no matter how much I have on my tray)
Me:  Yes.
Jerry (while punching the buttons on the register):  Water?  Okay.  Fruit?  Okay.  Milk?  Okay.  The daily special ... chicken, okay ... carrots, okay ... potatoes, okay.  Is that it?  Okay.
I hand him the credit card.
Jerry:  Credit card?  Okay.
Me:  Yes, thanks.
Jerry:  Would you like a receipt?
Me:  No thanks.
Jerry:  Okay.
Jerry (again):  I'll need you to sign the receipt, okay?
Me:  No problem.
Jerry:  Would you like a receipt?
Me:  No thanks.
Jerry:  Okay.  (He hands me the receipt.  I sign it.)  Okay.
Me:  Thanks.  Have a nice day.
Jerry:  Okay.

While I was checking out yesterday, and in between "okays," Jerry told me about his coworker who was attempting to get a box of plastic knives off the top shelf.  The box fell and gashed her head.  "Well, good thing she works at a hospital," I said.  "Yeah, but she got a severe concussion.  She's supposed to work on Monday.  I don't think she'll be in," Jerry emphatically replied.  I guess, based on our friendly discussion, Jerry gave me the hospital employee discount.  Okay!


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