Friday, May 25, 2012

Frustrating Friday

Abby was being a little toot today.  She and Hazel are fed every three hours, staggered by 30 minutes (2:30/3:00, 5:30/6:30, 8:30/9:00, 11:30/12:00) so to (theoretically) allow both to be fed by us.  Normally Hazel is fed first, and then Abby (one of the perks of being born one minute earlier for Hazel, I guess).  But today Abby was awake and hungry early, before each of her scheduled feedings.  I'm trying to work on breastfeeding, so as soon as I got Hazel on, right at 2:30, Abby woke up and started crying.  Of course, there's nothing I can do about it except listen to her fuss.  Fun stuff.  And THEN, once we finally got to her, instead of actually breast feeding she decided to open her mouth and cry instead.  Argh.  Apparently you can lead a baby to the breast but you can't make her drink.

After the 2:30/3:00 feeding time, I decided to pump to make sure everything was out and also to increase my milk supply, as currently my production is less than the girls' intake (thank you again, mastitis).  I put Abby down, who is wide awake, and hook myself up, and she starts to fuss.  Again.  So I pick her up and hold her while pumping (thank goodness for hands free bras).  That seemed to calm her down, but she still would not go to sleep.  After I was done pumping, Cathy helped me out in getting detangled, and then I held her again (yes, still wide awake and sucking vigorously on her pacifier) until 5:15.  Of course, she then started fussing again, so we fed her first this time.  Again with the crying instead of sucking.  And then, after I finally got her on, she kept falling asleep.  Argh again!!!

Fortunately, Hazel decided to be chill today and sleep.  Of course, that meant once I got her on at 6:00 pm to eat, she wouldn't wake up, so she had to be supplemented with a bottle.  But at least there was only one crying baby at a time.  I can't imagine what it is going to be like if/when both are crying at once.  And I definitely determined through yesterday and today's experiences that it is going to be virtually impossible to try and feed both girls at the same time.  Oh, boy.

Not too many pictures today ...

The NOT sleeping beauty.  Toot.

Hazel was squirmy today.  She managed to get out of her head positioner completely.


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