Monday, May 14, 2012

Week Nine In the NICU

Well, turns out Abby failed the sleep study on Sunday night/Monday morning.  Dr. McCormick (I haven't seen her as much - she is normally in Round Rock) read the paper on the study, and it was pretty clear Abigail wasn't ready to leave, as there were too many gaps when she held her breath.  The doctor showed me several strips as examples of good and bad - it was pretty interesting.  I was disappointed, of course, but I'd rather her be in the NICU if that is where she needs to be right now.  Plus, I'd have to come back to visit Miss Hazel anyway!  (Oh, and good news on that front - I confirmed with several nurses that I could bring one twin back to the NICU to visit the other if they are discharged on separate dates.  Which, apparently, is what usually happens.  So yay.)

Oh, and stats for the week:
Hazel is 5 pounds, 8 ounces.
Abigail is 5 pounds, 6 ounces.
I forgot to check for lengths.  Argh.

I wasn't at the NICU for very long today.  I started not feeling well, so ended up leaving and then heading home for a nap.  Hopefully it is (a) not contagious and (b) SUPER quick.


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