Monday, May 28, 2012

11 Weeks in the NICU

I hope everyone had a nice Memorial Day.  Matt had to work, and I went up to the hospital, so aside from less traffic on Mopac, it was like a typical day.  

Hazel weighed in today (last night) at a whopping 6 pounds, 13 ounces, up 7 ounces from yesterday.  I know she started with the half breastmilk/half formula on Saturday, but that's still quite a bit of weight gain.  The good news, though, is she gained weight.  Abby is up to 6 pounds, 5 ounces, up 4 ounces from yesterday.  Same for her - it may not stay up that high, but at least there is weight gain.
And...the big news is Abby is scheduled to have her sleep study tonight!  They were hooking it up and about to start when I left at shift change.  If she passes that and the car seat study (fingers crossed on both) then we'll "room in" tomorrow night and take her home on Wednesday!  If she fails, they'll wait 3 to 5 days before they consider retesting.

Hazel is also doing well!  Dr. Wheatley said her last reportable episode was May 26, so we are actually counting down for her too, now.  Usually she beeps a few times a feeding, but it only happened twice during the 2:30 and none at all during the 5:30/6:00.

Oh...and that's the other big change, too.  Instead of the girls being fed/assessed every three hours (as before), it is now every "3 to 4 hours," meaning if the girls are sleeping we don't have to wake them up as soon.  That extra hour - assuming the girls use it for sleeping purposes - is going to be HUGE when we finally get them home.

Hard to believe it has been 11 weeks!  We are getting close...
Eleven week old Hazel.

Eleven week old Abigail.


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