Wednesday, February 6, 2013

"There She Is!"

My dad started this back during Thanksgiving, and Hazel really seemed to like it, so now we play this game at our house.  We'll take a burpcloth, put it over the girls' head, and ask "Where's....Hazel (or Abby)?"  She pulls off the cloth, and Hazel (or Abs) shoots a big grin when we say "THERE she is!"

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Look Out, World

We had 10 months, 23 days (8 months, 6 days adjusted).  But now it's started.  Abby has figured out how to crawl!  I think Hazel is probably only a few days behind, too - she's going to have to learn quick for self defense purposes, as Abs will now stroll crawl over and grab whatever toy Hazel happens to have.

Eye Appointment Followup...An Exercise in Patience

While the girls were in the NICU, the doctors performed weekly/biweekly checks on the girls' eyes to make sure they did not develop retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), which is an eye disease that can affect preemies.  After several months of constant checkup, the NICU doctor officially released them from his care under the condition they received a followup checkup at nine months in February 2013.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Super Bowl Shuffle

The girls enjoyed their first ever Super Bowl yesterday!  We had a small group of friends over (and had entirely too much food, as always), so I think the girls focused more on the attention from people instead of the game (or the commercials).  Their football onesies still fit, though, so at least they looked the part!  :)

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Playing Well With Others

The girls began to notice each other a few months ago, but it has been in the last few weeks that they really seem to be interaction more with each other.  Of course, this primarily involves either Abby grabbing Hazel's bib (which has caused both of them to lose their balance and topple over) or one of the girls deciding she really wants the other's toy.  But you also get cute sisterly moments, too.  :)

Friday, February 1, 2013

Crib Escapades

Now that the girls are much more agile and mobile (although not yet crawling), watching them on the monitor has gotten to be hilarious.  And it also means we had to lower the mattress a few weeks ago!


One of Hazel and Abby's favorite toys is the exersaucer.  Both of them *love* bouncing in that thing!  I was able to get a cute video of the two of them together - they look so serious playing with all of the toys and attachments on those things!  And, while the video was rolling, Abs decided to tell us what she was doing:

Sister Takedown!

Before putting the girls to bed one day last week, I decided to do a quick photo shoot.  It is so much easier to do now that the girls can sit up, but the eternal problem of getting them to look at the same time (and smile at the same time too) reared its head.  But it does make for some cute pictures and video!