Saturday, June 30, 2012

Cute Photo Dump

Not really a theme to this post aside from cute pictures of the girls:



Hazelbear pulling an Abs pose.

NBA Finals watching.  Go Thunder!  (They lost, though).

Feeding Hazel.

Feeding Abby.

Abby and Hazel surrounded in pink.

Doesn't this look like a politician picture of Hazel?

Abs in the K'Tan.

Matt snuggling with the girls on the couch.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Riding Solo (For the Very First Time)

Matt had to go back to work this past Monday, so it has been just me and the girls. Whew.  Talk about a tiring enterprise!  It does allow for unlimited pictures, though.

I'd love to say it was this easy every feed....but it wasn't.  :)

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Strollin' on a Saturday Night

I ran a quick errand to pick up a few things at the grocery store, and when I returned Matt was just finishing up feeding both Hazel and Abigail.  Talk about industrious:

Friday, June 22, 2012

Baby Mini Photo Shoot

The girls had been bathed and fed, and were tired out.  What better time to pose them for some pictures, right?

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Dancing Daddy

I purchased a baby sling (the K'tan) at the AMOM consignment sale I went to in April.  It was pretty cheap, so I figured it wouldn't hurt to try one (especially since those things run close to $100 new).  Not the color I would have picked either (it is pink with brown geometric designs), but again, super cheap, so I wasn't going to be picky.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Our First Day (and Night) Together As a Family

Well, we lived to talk about it.  :)

After running around taking care of a few last minute errands yesterday, Matt and I (plus the Abs) arrived at the NICU.  We had one last feeding with nurse supervision, went over some specifics and papers, and said goodbye to the nurses and staff.  Dr. Breed came by, as well - I wish we had been able to talk to him more, but at the time I was in the middle of a Hazel diaper/clothing change and Matt was feeding Abby, so we didn't get to spend much time with him.  Of course, I don't think we would have been able to thank him (or anyone else) enough for everything they've done for the girls.  I am going to miss him and everyone else at the NICU.  They've been such a huge part of our lives for over three months, and everyone we met and dealt with was always so friendly, helpful, and professional.  Without them, Hazel and Abby wouldn't be here today.  Even though I'm very happy the girls are no longer in the NICU, I'll miss seeing and talking to the friends I made there.  

Monday, June 18, 2012

No More Monitors


14 Weeks/99 Days in the NICU...AND SHE'S FINALLY BUSTING OUT!

GREAT NEWS!!!!  I just heard from Dr. Breed - Hazel's sleep study looked "beautiful," and so she can come home!!!  What started as a relatively normal day has gotten busy very quickly - I need to go pick up a prescription for her (which of course is not something done at a normal pharmacy), do a load of laundry (we need burp cloths!), and get a few things in order.  But how exciting!!!!

Probably should go eat something now.... :)

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day!

With a pseudo-newborn in the house, we didn't make any major plans for Matt's big day, but I tried to make it as relaxing and enjoyable as possible.  Plus, as he joked, today he'd be able to tease me "with impunity."  Nothing like starting the morning with the power being out (and the accompanying worry that everything in the fridge/freezer - all of the breast milk!!! - would be spoiled), but fortunately that was resolved really quickly.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Just Visiting

Things are looking up.  Dr. Breed called and said he didn't think Hazel's episode the other night was medically significant, especially since it happened while she was eating.  We want to be cautious, though, so we are still going to wait the three days to do her sleep study, meaning it will happen on Sunday night.  Fingers crossed!

Friday, June 15, 2012


Dr. Su called - Hazel had a feeding episode last night just after midnight (must have happened right after we visited her).  Fortunately it was a feeding, not sleep, so its only a three day countdown.  But still - it seems like we've run this drill multiple times already.  Dr. Su was apologetic, and appreciated our patience, but frankly it's wearing thin.  

On top of that, Abby has been kinda fussy most of the day, generally not sleeping well (until tonight), and I feel a bit off.  So overall not the best news on not the best day.

So, here's hoping that Hazel stops having episodes and come home soon.  That Abby keeps sleeping.  And that I feel better.  :)

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Happy Anniversary!

Matt and I got married four years ago today.  It has certainly been an eventful four years, and the last 12 - 18 months have been particularly crazy.  But I wouldn't trade it for anything!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Three Months Old!

The girls are three months old today!  Someone asked me if it has gone by quickly ... I'd say yes.  In fact, sometimes I forget we are halfway through June; I feel stuck in April or May (although going outside into the heat helps remind me quickly).

Monday, June 11, 2012

13 Weeks in the NICU and Funniest Twin Pics (So Far)

Hazel has been in the NICU for 13 weeks (92 days).  She was 8 pounds, 1 ounce today, which is 5 pounds, 6 ounces over her birth weight.  She's getting to be a big girl!

Since Abs is no longer in the NICU, we don't get a daily weight (which I miss), so I'd have to guesstimate her weight around 7 1/2 pounds.  I'd love to get a scale so we could weigh them; I've heard one pediatrician (not ours) suggest going to the post office to weigh babies there!  Can you imagine how funny that would be?  Definitely don't go during the Saturday morning rush.  :)

Important Safety Tips

...learned so far with Abimus (corrected spelling) at home:

1.  Do not put the Desitin/A&D cream next to a tube of toothpaste.  At 4 am they will look the same, but they are not.

2.  When doing tummy time on the bed, it is important to note that a regular blanket is NOT water proof.

3.  Bouncy seats are a wonderful gift from God.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Back to the Beginning

Dr. Breed called yesterday.  Hazel had another rather major episode in the morning, enough to warrant observation for a few more days.  The doctor left a message, and in it he apologized about three times for thinking that Hazel was almost ready.  I think he felt bad about getting my hopes up.  He really seems like a nice guy.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Big News on the Hazel Front!

Hazel may have her sleep study done tomorrow night, and if she passes, will be discharged on Sunday!  I knew her last episode was June 6, but I didn't realize we were working on an actual countdown.  When Dr. Breed talked to me about it I was surprised!  So, fingers crossed!

Same Old, Same Old

Nothing new to report on the Hazel front.  Dr. McCormick is going to lower her crib (since it has been raised for 48 hours) to see if the rice cereal/prilosec have had any effect on her reflux issues.  She considered taking Hazel off of the Similac Special Care, since the weight gain has gone up, but decided to wait and let Dr. Breed make that decision, since he'll be back tomorrow (Friday - it's tomorrow to me because I haven't slept yet).  Her last sleep incident was two days ago as well, so there may be a correlation.  We'll see.  

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

"Perpetual Countdown"

That phrase makes me think of Europe's song "The Final Countdown."  Ah, I love that song (much to Matt's chagrin sometimes).  Unfortunately, as Dr. Breed put it today, we are in a perpetual, not final, countdown for Hazel's discharge.  There were no new changes today for her, as the plan is we'll just wait and see if the previous changes (rice cereal addition, raised crib, etc) have any effect.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

12 Weeks, Pediatrician Appointment, and A Grandparents Visit

As of yesterday (Monday), Hazel has spent 12 weeks in the NICU.  She measured 7 pounds, 5 ounces, which is 4 pounds, 10 ounces over her birthweight (and she was up to 7 lbs 7 oz today!).  She's getting to be a big girl now!  We are still having problems with brady episodes, though;  Tammy, our nurse, said to stop even worrying about a countdown at this point.  Sigh.  Today (Tuesday), Dr. McCormick decided to add rice cereal to Hazel's food plus raise one side of her crib and see if this helps with Hazel's issues, as the doctor thinks Hazel is exhibiting classic reflux signs.  I fed Hazel this afternoon and the cereal stayed down, but it definitely requires pacing because the nipple is a fast flow.  Hopefully this works, but it does make food time even more complicated now (breast milk plus Similac plus now rice cereal).  

Sunday, June 3, 2012

More Pictures, Plus Bath Time

So far, so good.  Matt and I seem to have gotten more of a rhythm with this newborn thing.

Matt visited Hazel last night while I stayed home with Abby and we watched Game 4 of the Thunder/Spurs basketball game.  Well, to be honest, she didn't really watch - she was up for awhile, but finally fell asleep in the 4th quarter.  Even without watching, Abby does have dribbling down (just without a ball). ;)

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Hazel, Grande Dame of the NICU, Plus At Home Happenings

Hazel is officially the longest tenured baby in the NICU, as Sara, the previous title holder, roomed in with her parents two nights ago and was discharged today.  Not really something I was hoping either of the girls would achieve, but it is what it is, I guess.  Hazel had an episode today while feeding, so her countdown clock (the three day one) has been reset, and now the earliest she could be discharged is Tuesday.  Apparently it happened right after she projectile vomited this morning (Fri) enough so it went over the crib railing and onto the floor; as Becky the nurse put it tonight, you know Hazel would be impressive in whatever she does, including vomiting.  Dr. Kienstra came by while I was up at the NICU tonight and said it was impressive as well, as she and a nurse practitioner visited right after the vomiting incident.  At least Ms. Long Tenured is making a name for herself, right?  ;)

Friday, June 1, 2012

First Day & Night

Overall, the first day and night with Abby home went well.  Matt and I took turns getting up, and between the two of us handled it pretty well, I think.  Hopefully we get the routine down enough so adding a second baby (next Monday - fingers crossed!) won't be too bad.  I think we definitely have several advantages with this, even though Abby is a newborn (per adjusted age):  she's been on a schedule of eating every 3 hours since she was born, I'm fully recovered from the birth, and I have an established milk supply with plenty in the fridge (so I don't need to be there for every feeding).  Plus, Matt has been super awesome about taking care of her - he volunteers to change the diaper, hold her, stay with her, feed her, etc.  I don't know how I'd manage without him.