Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Fussy, Fussy, Fussy

Abigail was in rare form today.  She is either not a fan of Tuesdays or was just feeling cranky, I guess.  When I walked in around 2:00 pm after running a few errands, Cheryl told me Abby had been crying so far in advance of her feeding time that Cheryl was about to bathe and feed her early.  She got her bath (I took some cute pictures), but was so worked up from that and everything else she was more interested in crying than actually trying to breastfeed a bit later.  She must have tired herself out, because it was tough waking her up at the 6:00 pm feed to get her to eat.

Hazel, on the other hand, was pretty mellow and chill, even when while we were making her wait to eat because Abby was fussing.  It was torture enough listening to one baby cry; I'm glad they have decided (so far) to alternate fussy days, because I can't imagine what it's going to be like with two crying fussy babies (I'm sure I'll find out soon enough).  Anyway, Hazel did really well with breastfeeding, especially considering it had been about a week since our last attempt.  I even attempted to tandem breastfeed, although with a fussy Abby that proved to be too difficult.  Plus, I have no idea how this would work without Cheryl's help.  Apparently it gets better once the girls get better at latching on.  Hope so, as we are still a work in progress.

Abby's lab work came back negative, which was a good thing.  The ultrasound of her kidneys and bladder came back negative too, which is also good.  So, it basically means she just had a run o' the mill UTI which has now cleared up.  Yay.

I played soccer tonight for the first time since August!  The team really needed a girl (we had no subs, so without me they would have been playing a man down).  It felt great to be back out there, although I almost tripped several times while running.  I also felt *many* steps slower than I used to be, which makes sense since I still weigh more than I did then, but is still frustrating nonetheless.  Can't wait to play again!  And hopefully I won't be too sore - I stretched before and after the game, which should help.

Pics from the day!  I took several especially cute ones of the Abs right before her bath:

Yes, I'm holding up my large head for this photo.

Oh.  Too heavy.

Are you still taking pictures?  Hello, bath?

Wait until I unleash the power of this fully operational crying machine...

Hazel, bundled up and oblivious to the world.


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