Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Another Rainy Day (and Night)

Okay, what is it with the weather correlating to what is going on with us and the girls?  Monday started nice and pretty, some storms rolled in Monday night, and Tuesday was grey, cooler (for Austin), and rainy.

(sorry - some of this post is going to discuss my boobs)
Monday morning I woke up and my right boob hurt.  I tried to massage out any of the lumps during pumping, but it still hurt to touch - even the seat belt going across my chest hurt.  Then, while I was in the NICU, I suddenly felt horrible and got the chills.  I went out to the car to get warm and still felt horrible and super tired, so I didn't go back to the NICU and instead drove home.  Still felt bad that night and the entire next day (Tuesday), with hot flashes, chills, and general malaise.  I didn't feel hungry at all, either (which is not necessarily a good thing if you're trying to breast feed).  Since we weren't exactly sure the reason for my illness, Matt and I decided it best that I not visit the NICU in case I had something infectious, so Tuesday was the first day I did not visit the girls since they've been born.  Felt REALLY weird.  I did manage to haul myself up to Matt's work to deliver some milk, though.

Then, Tuesday evening, Abby's temperature was a bit low for several assessments, plus her color was off and her abdomen wasn't like it should be, so she was placed in a warmer crib, given an IV, and lab work was taken (Matt got to watch all of this on Tuesday night when he visited).  Rachel, our primary nurse at night, told Matt she thought this illness may have contributed to Abby failing the sleep study, which totally makes sense.  I'm also glad, in retrospect, that she failed before she got sick - I think it would have been worse to get her home and have this happen, since at least she can be treated immediately in the NICU.  Plus, if she had been discharged from the NICU, I could not have brought her back there.  So Abby would have been at another hospital (probably Dell Children's) and Hazel would have still been at St. David's North Austin MC at the same time, which is of course across town from Dell Children's.  Um, again, super glad this did not happen.


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