Hazel and Abby tried oatmeal with Karen on Friday and prunes with us on Sunday. Hazel took to both like a champ, but Abby is going to need time to warm up to the idea of food from a spoon, I think.
First, oatmeal pictures...
Pre-oatmeal grins. "Food? Yes, please!" |
Hazel was excited about the new food. |
Abby was not as enthused. |
Next up, prunes... Prunes! Prunes! My kingdom for prunes!
Matt carefully feeds Hazel (after tasting the prunes himself - he's quite the beefeater - hehe):
Video of Hazel and the prunes (is it me, or does that sound like a 50's band name?).
Overall, I think Hazel enjoyed the prunes. She finished off the container, and I think most of it actually ended up in her mouth!
Happy Hazel! |
I have prunes on my face? And nose? Thanks, parents. |
And....Abby looks super thrilled about trying out a new food, huh?
I am withholding judgment on this idea. |
Dad, I'm not so sure about this... |
Mom, why are you allowing this? Do I look like I want to try prunes? |
Well, Mom & Dad, I may allow you to continue... |
Hmm...this isn't as bad when I can use my fingers. |
Well, after contemplation... |
You know what? Prunes really aren't that bad. |
Focusness. |
Afterwards, the girls had a good time playing...
Hazel: "Your onesie looks like my bib!!!" |
Abby: "Prunebreath." |
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