Sunday, December 16, 2012

Papaw Visit!

Papaw visited us the girls this weekend (on the way to a MTV hearing south of San Antonio).  They seemed pretty excited to see him.  He got to help feed Hazel, which ended up being hilarious for all involved.  And I took some cute pictures, too.  Of course!

Papaw and the Bear (who is sticking out her tongue).

Feeding Hazel...she is insistent that the spoon be constantly filled with food. :)

Abs, post oatmeal.

Watching the girls play.

Contemplative Hazel and Papaw after dinner at Austin Pizza Garden.

Smiley Bear.

Papaw and his grandgirls.  Abs looks thrilled.

Mugging for the camera.

"Who, me?"

Checking out Papaw.  Very intent Abs.

I'd swear these two were related. ;)

Hazel having fun on her Papaw's shoulder!


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