Sunday, December 9, 2012

Visiting Cousins

Matt's cousin Amber, her husband Danny, and their daughter Naomi visited us this past weekend from Houston.  It was great to see them - it had been awhile, since we keep missing the annual family reunion in June (hopefully next year!).  They were able to meet the girls for the first time, and Naomi had a great time playing with the girls (and their toys).
Naomi was unbelievably cute and has the best personality.  At one point, Amber asked her to come over and tell the girls a story.  After first informing her mom that she "was busy," Naomi came over and told the following story:
                    "Once upon a time, there were two twins named Hazel and Abby.  The end."

Hazel:  Naomi, would you like to play with the pillow or the moose?

Hazel:  Hmm.  That looks pretty interesting.  How did I end up with a pillow?

Abigail, Naomi, and Hazel.
Getting pictures of kids and babies is a bit like herding is pretty tough to get everyone to look at the same time!  And getting everyone to smile is an additional challenge.  Examples below:

I think Naomi left at this point to check on the cats.  She had a good time keeping us up to date with the goings-on of Raine and Little One.


Smile from Naomi and a half smile from Hazel while grabbing Abby's ear.
I'll take it.  :)


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