The girls are NINE months old today! Where did the time go???? Seems like I was pregnant with them only a second ago. And yet here they are, growing, smiling, sitting up, and about to celebrate their first Christmas.
We had our nine month pediatrician appointment today, so we were able to get weights on the actual day! Dr. Ramirez thought both girls looked really good, and they were tracking well on the growth charts (the full term ones, in fact).
Hazel: 16 pounds, 15 ounces; 25 inches long, 42.5 cm head circumference
Abigail: 15 pounds, 14.5 ounces; 24 inches long, 43 cm head circumference
Things going on with the girls:
Hazel: She LOVES to move around, and we think she is starting to get frustrated that she can't move as much as she'd like. She sits up really well, but after a few minutes starts to bounce in place. And, of course, she loves the bouncy exersaucer; it is so cute to see her bounce in that with a grin on her face. She also likes seeing and doing new things, so she can get somewhat fussy if she is one place too long. We started solid foods about two weeks ago, and she loves that too! In fact, we can't feed her fast enough - the spoon is in constant motion from bowl to mouth. We've tried prunes, carrots, sweet potatoes, and peas so far, and she eats everything (although doesn't seem to be as fond of the peas), plus gobbles down the cereal, too.
Abimus: Babble, babble, babble. She's quick to smile, but also will let you know when she feels like she's being neglected. :) She is starting to get the hang of rolling over, especially from front to back and she loves to bounce in the exersaucer as well. When we put her in the stationary exersaucer, she loves to bang on the musical keys and chew on the bird mohawk (the bird spins - she likes that too). Regarding food consumption, Abs seems to be more particular than the Bear about took her longer to accept the "spoon" idea, and while she likes prunes, carrots, and sweet potatoes, she is NOT a fan of peas (we've tried twice - Hazel ended up eating the rest of Abby's jar of peas the first time).
After our pediatrician appointment, Karen fed the girls and then we headed over to the grand opening/ribbon cutting celebration of our friends' new service station. I think most people were more excited to see Hazel and Abby than to see us (which is to be expected these days, I believe!). :)
Pics of our nine month old twin girls:
A napping baby with the feet sticking out. BTW, I love these boots but they are a pain to put on. |
Abimus with rosy cheeks. |
Abbage and Bear on the table, waiting for the doctor. |
They seem to be looking in one particular direction..... |
Maybe because Daddy is making faces! |
Dr. Ramirez checks out Hazel while Abby plays with a tongue depressor stick. |
Abs is dressed and ready for the ribbon cutting, and sits on the couch while Dad snacks. |
Hazel didn't, um, seem to be super excited about the hat. Although I think this was more about being tired - she got a decent nap in the car on the way to the ribbon cutting. |
Plus...moving around always helps Hazel's mood. :) |
The whole family! |
Matt and Mlle. Ours En Peluche. |
Abby really wanted to help take this picture... :) |
The Diffens, photobombed by Matt and the Bear. |
Inside the new service station. Ross looks so serious! :) |
Daddy, this hat looks like fun to grab. |
Smiley Bear. |
For any CPS readers out there, we don't condone babies drinking beer and she didn't actually drink any. It's merely a staged picture. :) |
Happy 12-12-12 Day! It's not an official holiday (although the Aggies did celebrate it due to their 12th Man tradition), but it is the last major numerical date for almost another century. It was definitely a busy day for us!
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