Christmas Day in Dallas started off rainy and cold. I ran over to Starbucks and grabbed all of us some warm drinks, and then we spent a leisurely day playing with the girls, eating some great food, and opening presents. About mid afternoon, the rain turned into SNOW, so we ended up having a white Christmas!!! It was beautiful (but I was happy we didn't have to go anywhere in it).
One advantage of visiting multiple households over the Christmas holidays is it allows for multiple cute outfits. At Nina's, the girls wore their special green ornament outfits, which she loved! And, of course, we had to get some cute pictures of the girls under the Christmas tree (Abby on the left, Hazel on the right):
Holding hands (sorta). |
Enough of the pictures, Mom. |
Best shot of the outfits. |
Abby: Dude, you're wearing ears. Hazel: What is this on my head? |
Ears are for eating! |
The winter wonderland outside. |
Nina and her grandbabies on Christmas Day. |
The family. (Abby: "Stop. Collaborate and listen.") |
At this point, the girls were tired of looking the same direction | . :) |
Apres pictures, getting in some good play time. |
The girls sporting their new jackets in the snow. |
Abby, it's cold outside! |
Hazel watching Dad enjoy Christmas dinner. |
Playing with some of their new toys! |
Matt's mom had kept a bunch of clothes from when her kids were babies, and I was given the opportunity to look through a few. Check out this cute outfit of a little Matt! With beret! :)
Getting in last minute snuggles before saying goodbye. |
Covered in snow! We used a dustpan to get the snow off the windows. :) |
The day after Christmas we headed over to Papaw's house to spend time with him and Tina. The girls enjoyed playing with the tissue paper (it never gets old!) and snuggling.
Big bag. Lots of paper. Score. |
Um, Mom, not the best time right now. |
Checking out a new toy. |
Papaw read Goodnight Moon to Abby for the first time! |
Hazel grins for Tina. |
Chillin' in the GoPod. |
Abby provides Papaw pointers on his motion for summary judgment. |
Todd and his mom came by to visit the girls. |
Bouncing with Papaw. |
The whole gang. |
Papaw and his girls! (You can tell Abs is getting tired of pictures.) |
After a great visit, we loaded everyone in the car and headed back home to Austin. The girls can't wait until they see everyone again!
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