Wednesday, May 16, 2012

38 Weeks (Induction Day) and the Birth of Another New Friend

My doctor doesn't let twin pregnancies go longer than 38 weeks.  So today, May 16, was my "due" date.  Little did I know when I virtually circled this date almost nine months ago that my twin girls would already be two months old.  It is also fun (sometimes) to think back about what you were doing or thinking last year at this time.  I don't recall the date exactly, but I know I was gearing up for the Griffin family reunion up in Rock Port, and probably thinking about finally shedding those "I don't care what I'm eating while preparing for trial" pounds (side note: the free app "Lose It" is awesome.  I lost 10 pounds last summer using it - all you do is track what you eat and how much you exercise.).  We may have had a flag football game that Monday, too.  No idea who won (although it was probably our team - we were pretty good).

Sorry, that was kind of a tangent.  (While up in the Pacific Northwest in 2006 for the OU/UO game, I drove by a sign directly you to Tangent, Oregon.  Matt said I should live there.  Perhaps this is a glimpse of why.)

So, today, Matt ended up taking the day off because he was up so late at the hospital watching them work on Abby.  I felt loads better in the morning, although still slightly tired with a sore/red boob, but no fever/chills.  MUCH better.  Called my doctor and then picked up a prescription to combat the diagnosis (mastitis).

I checked in with the NICU; Cheryl said the girls were doing well, and Abby had clearly announced earlier in the day she was hungry and was acting like she felt much better.  Dr. Breed called to let us know the latest - Abby's lab work had come back, and it was negative, so he thought she probably had the same thing Hazel had last week (a virus).  Both had their follow up eye exams, and were due for their next follow ups in 10 days (still Zone 3/prematurity on both now).  He was slightly concerned their weight gain has tapered off, so they'll make sure to watch that.  Pretty basic update.

Matt's mom drove down from Dallas to visit the girls, so we met her at the hospital for the first evening assessment.  That was my first time seeing the girls since Monday.  Hazel looked pretty cozy and sleepy in her crib, but Abby seemed pretty spry.  She also had a "horn" - the IV used a vein in her head, and a bunch of stuff was taped down, so it looks hornlike - and was in a warming crib.

It was about feeding time, and Meghan the nurse had already prepared bottles for both, so Matt fed Hazel and I fed Abby while Nina watched.  Abby took her time, but downed hers without too much fuss.  Hazel was so sleepy Matt couldn't get her to eat.  Meghan finally tried and could barely get 25 ml down her (sadly, that meant 20 ml was thrown away ... sigh).  And Nina got to hold Abby for the first time!

One other item of note; we may have coined a new phrase for Abby.  As the faithful reader or readers (there may be two) of this blog, Abby likes to swirl her hands around (which looks a bit like she's about ready to karate chop someone).  She started doing that tonight while tooting, so I said (rather quietly) "she's kung fuing!"  Matt said, "did you say 'kung pooing?'"  "No, but I wish I had!"  It will now be joining the lexicon.

I only took a few pictures today:
Nina and Abby.

Matt with Hazel and Nina with Abby.

Later, after we got home, I received a text - Ty Newberry decided to arrive a bit early!  The funny thing is his scheduled C section was on my "real" due date (read: 40 week gestation) of May 30, and his actual birth date was on my going to be scheduled (if I had gotten this far) induction date.  I wondered aloud to Matt if Ty would ever date Hazel or Abby ... Matt did not even want to think about that.  ;)


Mary Amanda said...

Ty has a crush on Abby, he told me last night. Sorry Matt - get ready.

Nancy S. said...

Lol. I can't wait to see them together! Ty may get Kung Pooed. ;)

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