Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Pumpkin Patch Pics

I had wanted to get pictures of the girls with pumpkins this year, but since October is the start of flu/RSV season, I definitely didn't want to do anything that could put the girls' health at risk.  That, of course, meant a toddler-infested pumpkin patch was not a good idea.

Enter Karen's friend Gwen.  Gwen is a photographer who takes great pictures at very reasonable prices (the website is Be True Photography if anyone in the Austin/San Marcos/New Braunfels area is interested).  The best part...every year Gwen sets up a mini pumpkin patch set at her house!  We had the place to ourselves...and I was sold.  :)

In the meantime...the burning question....what costumes to dress Hazel and Abigail for their first Halloween? I looked at a bunch of websites and a few magazines, and after much deliberation, we decided on a bear for Hazel (since her nickname is Hazelbear) and a lamb for Abby (she has been known to bleat on occasion).  

So with Karen's assistance, we drove down to Gwen's house for some awesome pics.  It became apparent pretty quick, though, that while Abby was *loving* the attention and picture taking, Hazel was definitely not in the mood to be cheery.  In fact, during several "costume changes," we put Hazelbear back in her carseat so she could nap (it helped, but not much).  Because of that, plus the assortment of outfits, we ended up spending three hours at Gwen's!  Thank goodness she doesn't charge by the hour.  :)  

Another great thing about Gwen?  She emailed a ton of proofs with very little turnaround (and mails a CD with all of the pictures in high resolution).  After picking out a few of my favorites (THAT was tough to do), she sent me the hi-res, I printed them off, and then sent them to the grandparents for a Halloween surprise (by all accounts that went over well).

So, without further ado, the highlights of Hazel and Abigail in their Halloween costumes at a pumpkin patch (some pictures taken by me, the better ones taken by Gwen):
Abby readies herself for the photo shoot...
Angelic?  Check. (pic by Gwen)
Casual, yet cute?  Check. (pic by Gwen)
Giggly?  Double check. (pic by Gwen)

The Bear asleep in her carseat.
Happy Bear.
Unhappy Bear.
Put-Upon Bear.
Intent Bear (pic by Gwen).
Cheery Bear (pic by Gwen).
Contemplative Bear (pic by Gwen). 
A:  Gameface, sister.  Gameface.

The best pic of both girls in their costumes.  Note the furrowed brow.

A:  Hello, everyone, I am in a box, I'm getting my picture taken, and I'm loving it.
H:  rrssdsdrsbbbbppppllpps.
A:  I'm on a separate performance contract from my sister, right?
H:  What?


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