Saturday, October 27, 2012

Picnicking in the Park

This afternoon we took the girls to Zilker Park to the annual Junction Point picnic.  It was the first time Matt's coworkers were going to see the twins, and so we bundled them up, loaded the car, and headed over.  Even the Merry dog joined us!

We had previously decided to feed the girls after arriving, due to the timing of the events, and so once we parked and unloaded the stroller, Matt fed Abby and I fed Hazel.  Both girls did awesome - Hazel finished her entire 8 ounces without a break or a struggle.  Abs, of course, took several breaks to look around and socialize.  :)

And everyone loved their cute little hats!

Abby (left) and Hazel (right).

One of those rare family portraits.  Merry decided to exit
the picture, of course.
Abs, during lunch:  "Gotta look around and check stuff out....oh, camera?  CHEESE!"

Hmm...what's this?
Thumbs are yummy.

Babies in a stroller.

Abby: "Hazel, you go long...I'll fake it to you."

Mommy and Abby.
"Hey, Mom, does Dad really know what he's doing?"

Hazel is always happy when she's around her Daddy.

Matt is always happy then, too.  :)

Merry enjoyed the stroller on the way home.


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