Saturday, October 13, 2012

OU/Texas 2012

Today was Hazel and Abigail's first ever OU/Texas game.  Well, I suppose, technically they were at the Cotton Bowl last year, but I don't think you are supposed to count "in utero" visits.  At least we didn't have to buy them tickets. :)

Anyway, since Matt and I knew it would be tough to go to Dallas and the game this year due to the kiddos, we decided (and somewhat begrudgingly, on my part) to forgo the normal trip and stay in Austin for the game.  I think the reason it was tough for me is due to my longstanding tradition of attending this game ... until today, I had been to every OU/TX game since 1991 (when we moved to Texas).  And, FWIW, the record during this period was 10-10-1 (favorite game: 2000; weirdest game: 1995; worst game: 1997).  So, my tradition was over; but, in Matt's words, we're now able to start a new tradition.

Our normal travel buddies, the Diffens, were also not going, and decided to have a "Bring the State Fair To Austin" party instead.  So everyone brought an assortment of fair food, Daniel and Tim fried things, and we enjoyed the game.  Well.....actually, it was probably just me who enjoyed the game, as I was the only Sooner in attendance, and the game was a BLOWOUT.  It was 36-2 at halftime!  Final score: 63-21.    Completely unexpected by me and the UT fans too.  OU had not looked that good all year, and UT, honestly, hadn't looked that bad all year.  But today, OU poured it on ... Damian Williams' 95 yard TD run with an awesome block by Kenny Stills, Trey Millard's awesome 70+ yard catch in which he simultaneously hurdled one defender and stiff-armed another, Colvin's impressive INT, a safety!, the Belldozer getting 4 TDs in the first half...

I digress.

Anyway, ever since people found out we were having twins, the one common/constant question has been regarding OU and Texas.  And pretty early on, we - especially Matt - decided to not push one school or the other (Matt: "they should make their own choices"), except for maybe Yale or Stanford (pending scholarship possibilities - haha).  So, today, the day of the big game, we decided to go with neutral "football" outfits:

The girls seemed to be in a really good mood after the game.  Just sayin'.
We headed over to the Diffens, and the girls did an awesome job of eating and napping - it was their first away-from-home nap (not counting the NICU, obviously), and they snoozed for several hours in their nap nannies while I watched the game and Matt and the other Longhorn fans played football in the backyard/watched the game.

Overall, a very pleasant outing.  The girls had a great time seeing everybody (and everybody seemed happy to visit with them), no major meltdowns, and it was fun to visit with friends.  Plus, did I mention the game went well for OU?  ;)

Pics from the day:
Well, I wasn't there, but my cousin Sammy sent me a picture.
Pregame playtime.  Hazel has her gameface on already.

Reading to the girls.  After the walk.  Before the nap. 

Abby (l) and Hazel (r) enjoy playing with Darcy's toys.

Abby and Rebecca.

Fryin' stuff in the backyard.
Darcy and Abby check each other out.

Matt and Hazelbear.
The three amigos-to-be.

Becky and Hazelbear.

Matt and Abs.

 We didn't get a family photo because the girls (and Matt) were pretty worn out by the time we left.  So, mental note...take the OU/TX family picture next year BEFORE the game.  :)

Sleepy Hazelbear.
Sleepy Abimus.


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