Monday, September 10, 2012


Current typical day:
0700 hrs  wake up, bottle (6 oz), playtime
0900 hrs  naptime!
1100 hrs  second bottle (6 oz), playtime
1300 hrs  naptime!
1500 hrs  third bottle (6 oz), some playtime
1630 hrs  optional third nap (although the girls almost always take one)
1800 hrs  wakeup, play
1900 hrs  bottle (6 oz)
1930 hrs  bedtime

We've been following this schedule for a few weeks (started the last week of August) and the girls seem to have adjusted really well to it, Hazel in particular.  My joke about that is according to birth order theory, firstborns tend to like schedules/routines/rules, so Hazel being one minute older than Abby (and thus the first born) seems to have made a huge difference!  :)

There have been a few times when the girls - Abby mainly - have woken up during the night.  If it is before Matt and I go to bed, we've usually just waited a few minutes and she goes back to sleep.  If it's in the morning (normally around 5:45/6 am, if they do wake up), we'll give them the Wubbanub (along with this schedule, we also stopped giving them the pacifier to go to sleep - it definitely seems to have lessened the wakeup/pacifier/wakeup/pacifer/etc cycle we had been in for the few weeks prior).

Abs does the touchdown pose in her sleep.
Hazel likes sleeping on her stomach now.
What can happen if we follow the schedule... ;)


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