Saturday, September 15, 2012

Horseys, Jumperoos, and a Whole Lotta Lovin' Goin' On

My parents came into town this weekend to visit the girls.  They were so excited to see them!  For the 24 hours Mimi and Granddad have been here, the girls have been covered (and covered) with kisses.  It's pretty cute.

Also, unbeknownst to me, my parents had kept a little yellow plastic horse from when I was a baby (I don't have any memories of it), and brought it to us this weekend for Hazel and Abby to use.  The girls are big enough to sit on it, but can't quite keep themselves on it yet.


The weekend has been so far with horsey rides, lots of kisses, and reading of new books to the girls (Do Princesses Wear Hiking Boots?  Yes, yes, they do, when the occasion warrants):

Granddad and Mimi reading to the girls.

Abby (r) and Hazel (l) paying rapt attention. 

Hazel working over Granddad (princesses do that too, I guess).

Hazel:  Awe, shucks, Dad.

Playmat time!

Giving horsey pointers to Hazel.

Abs on the horse.

One of my pickups at the consignment sale last spring was a pair of jumperoos (the type you put in a door frame).  Since Hazel has been kicking up a storm lately, Matt put them together and Abby tried it out tonight.  Surprisingly, she seemed to enjoy it; she pirroutted a few times (slowly) and enjoyed gnawing/slobbering on it.  Hilarious pictures, too.
You may notice the jumperoo is a bit large for Abby.  Note the arm coming out of the leg hole.

Nom nom nom.

Abs (l) and Hazel (r) during playtime.


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