Sunday, September 30, 2012

Girls' Weekend Plus Four Months Old (Adjusted)

Matt was gone for most of the weekend celebrating the end of Steve's bachelorhood, so it was just me and the girls.  No wild parties or crazy shopping sprees, but we did have a good time spending time together.  And, as a side note, today the girls are four months old, based on the adjusted age.  The other milestone is Abby has been home from the hospital now for four months (yup, that's an easy one to remember - same day)! 

So, I didn't get a weight/length measurement for their four month (adjusted) celebration, but suffice it to say the girls are getting nice and chunky.  :)  Also, fun things they are doing:  
    • Hazel has mastered rolling over, especially from back to front.  Most of the time she flips over in the co-sleeper and sleeps on her belly during naps.  This also creates quite the wet spot when she cries after waking up.  Abby flips from front to back, but only very occasionally from back to front.  
    • Both girls are quite the talkers.  Hazel has started waking up in the morning, and instead of crying, babbling.  It is super cute.  Abby still likes to tell you about things while in the middle of eating
    • Abby's latest habit is to start sucking on her fingers (usually the right hand). Check out the cute pictures and video below.  Hazel occasionally sucks on a finger.
    • Hazel is starting to get some hair on her head (nothing heavy at all), and Abby is still pretty much bald.
    • Hazel *loves* grabbing her toes now.  Sometimes she even grabs a foot with each hand.  This probably started in earnest about a week or two ago.
    • Abby is starting to kick a bit more.  She is squirming!
    • Hazel likes to rake her finger nails on her leg.  Abby likes to rake her finger nails on the side of the cosleeper.
    • Both girls love it when they "go skiing" with their Daddy.  They "shoop, shoop, shoop" down the slopes and giggle/laugh the whole time.  

One thing I don't like is trying to compare the girls to each other.  Inevitably, it happens, but terming one "behind" or "ahead" of the other seems a bit crazy at this point.  They are each doing things at their own pace.  And while, for example, Hazel may have started kicking earlier than Abby, I don't think that means Abby is "behind" if you are talking about the developmental aspect of the word.  Anyway, this is one thing - constant twin comparison - I'm (hopefully) going to keep under wraps as much as possible.  Just because they happen to have the same birthday doesn't mean they should be held to a higher level of sibling scrutiny ("strict scrutiny," legalese friends? hahaha).

Okay, mini rant over.  Sorry for the tangent.

Now, for the good and video from our weekend:

Abby munches on the moose's leg.

Ready for our walk!

Action shot of the walk.  Merry gets really excited now every times she
sees the stroller!
Various shots of Abby chewing on Jacques and her fingers:

Here's the video of Abby sucking on her fingers:

Hazel closeups!

Video of Hazel on the playmat:

Smiling Hazel on the playmat.

Hazel and Daddy on Saturday afternoon. I think she
is sneaking a peek at the football game on TV.

Abs.  I love this bib!

Hazel and the moose.

Hazel (left) and Abby (right) monkey photo shoot highlights:

Playmat time:

Dinnertime.  I swear these two had some ESP going on (not captured very well on film):

Closeups ... Abby on the left and Hazel on the right:

The girls were originally next to each other on the playmat.  Hazel is strong enough now to maneuver herself off the mat, as seen below:


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