Friday, September 21, 2012

Exersaucer-ing Plus the Hollywood Pose

Each morning after breakfast, the girls spend some time playing.  Matt and I enjoy this time (as much as you can instead of sleeping), since both Hazel and Abby are usually in a good mood which equals laughing, babbling, and lots of smiles.  (Smiles are the BEST.)

Anyway, in addition to the playmat, the girls have also taken more interest in the exersaucer (loaned to us by Karen - super awesome).  Originally, we would put the girls in it, and they would just look at the various toys but not actually do anything with them.  The last few days, though, Hazel has taken to moving some of the rings, and now both girls definitely enjoy munching/slobbering on the side of the seat.
Daddy gets eye level with the girls.

Hazel grins at the plastic giraffe.

Tummy time for Abby on the playmat (with her friend Jacques, bien sur).

Excuse me.  I'm in the middle of playing here.

Abby is not impressed.

Hazel in the contraption and Abby in the bumbo.

And, in other news, Abby has a new favorite sleeping position.  Just transport her to a beach or the pool and she'd fit right in!  I sent a picture to all the grandparents and my dad said I used to sleep this way, too.  My parents used to call it "the Hollywood Pose:"

When I woke up Abby from her nap yesterday, she had marks on her head from her fingers!

 I noticed Hazelbear was in the same pose this morning before we woke her up for breakfast (it was too dark to get a decent picture).  I wonder, is this an all-babies-do-this thing or a mom-used-to-do-it thing?


Becky said...

I think it's the latter. I don't think either of ours have ever slept like that. The finger prints are hilarious.

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