Thursday, November 15, 2012

"Why A Spoon, Cousin?"

"...Why not an axe or a knife?"
"Because it's DULL you twit; it'll hurt more."
- Sheriff of Nottingham (Alan Rickman - best part of the movie), in Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves (1991)

We attempted some rice cereal (mixed with the Neosure) last night with a spoon!  Hazel took to it pretty well (although she first tried to suck it like it was a nipple, and blew a few bubbles in the process (which was hilarious).  Abby was less enthused about the idea; although at the outset she probably felt like we WERE trying to torture her with the spoon, towards the end of the experiment I think she decided it wasn't as bad as she was expecting.  But, of course, we got a lot of funny faces....

First, the Bear was up:

A video of Hazelbear...note the bubbles...and the milk on her nose.  Although, overall, it wasn't that much of a mess (note..I had to stop videoing because Abby, who I was holding at the same time, decided she wanted to play with the iPhone):

"Whoa!  Dad! This spoon is amazing!"

Next, we let the Abs try the spoon:

As you can tell, she does not seem particularly enthused with the idea.

Video of the Abs trying a spoon for the first time.  You can tell by the arm shake she seriously considered loudly protesting this idea (she shakes her arms when she's upset), but obviously decided it wasn't that bad after all:

Full tummy.  Minor mess.  Contented Abs.


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