Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Twin Turkeys on Thanksgiving

We went up to Dallas for Thanksgiving this year.  It was our first overnight trip with the girls (not counting the NICU, of course), and the SUV was packed to the ceiling with stuff for them.  I think less stuff was taken over the English Channel during the Normandy Invasion!  All went well - the girls got to spend lots of time with their Mimi and Granddad, meet all of their Griffin cousins, and (kinda) watch an epic Bedlam game.  We were sad that the girls weren't able to visit Nina or see Papaw, but hopefully that'll happen over Christmas!

Here's the recap of the weekend, mostly with pictures....

I probably spent more time deciding on outfits for the girls
than on my own wardrobe.
Lots of shoes and socks, too, although the weather
ended up being nice.

Our first morning (Wed) in Dallas.  The girls are happy after breakfast!

Hazel:  Hmm..Abby's fingers make a good
apres petit-dejeuner snack.
Dad and Abby.  He and I posed like that
when I was a baby.

The girls and the grandparents.

Abby bouncing on Mimi's foot.
Impressively, Hazel can get her toes in her mouth.  It is, not surprisingly, tough for an adult - we're not that flexible anymore!

Two turkeys with their Mom.

Thanksgiving Day!

Abby warms up for the football game by trying to munch
on the soccer rattle.

The Scates family, right before the Griffin v. Griffin Gridiron Matchup.  The
girls didn't play this year, but picked up pointers for next year.
Almost everyone is looking at the camera.  Woo!

The Griffin Invasion of Dallas, circa 2012.

On the way to the football gridiron.

The football fans.
The lineup of players.  This year we did it by age.
My team (although Dad didn't play, so I'm not sure why he's in the picture).
Not that we're keeping score...oh, but we do.  My team won 35-21!

Regan warming up before the big game.  Not sure what Ryan
and Stan are doing in the background.

Food break during the game!  Anne was gracious enough to volunteer so
I could go back to playing football.


Nancy:  How do you work this thing again?

Walking back from the game.
After showers for us and a nap for the girls, we changed them into their Thanksgiving outfits and joined the group for lots of turkey, stuffing, and family.

Hazel poses for the camera.
Michael's kids Annie and Grace were really interested in Hazel and Abby.
Abby and Grace.  

Grace and Haddee check out the girls in their stroller.

The cousins eating Thanksgiving dinner outside.  The weather was perfect.
Did I mention there was lots of family present?
Annie and Will.

The family relaxing and letting the food settle.

Sammy, Saradee, and Dad.

I realized at the very end of the evening that I hadn't gotten good shots of the girls in their Thanksgiving outfits...

Abby looks pretty intent here.  Hazel better watch her ears and nose!

Little smiling Thanksgiving turkey-babies.
So, unfortunately, we had an injury during the Griffin Gridiron Matchup...Matt's finger caught on Patrick's waistband as Matt was reaching for Patrick's flag, and after a visit to the ER that evening (after watching Texas v. TCU), x-rays confirmed that the top of the pinkie was broken.  (Ironically, there were no trips to the hospital back when we played tackle football...just sayin'.)

The next morning (Friday), the family met at the hotel and Dad did a presentation about Grandmother, who would have been 100 this year.  Afterwards, a family portrait.  Unfortunately, due to the girls' schedule, Matt and I weren't able to make it.  

Sitting on the floor (l to r): Grace Griffin, Elizabeth Griffin, Annie Griffin, Harper Sharp
Second row (l to r): Georgia Griffin, Mary Ann Griffin, Jim Griffin, Karen Griffin, Haddie Griffin, Sam Griffin, Gage Griffin, Jack Griffin, Carol Griffin, Emmee Kate Griffin, Stan Griffin, Marcus Griffin, Janet Griffin, William Griffin
Standing (l to r):  John Harper II, Cynthia Harper, Michael Griffin, Stacia Griffin, Patrick Griffin, Faulkner Griffin, Emily Griffin, Jacqueline Griffin, Gay Oxford, Daniel Griffin, Austin Griffin, Sammy Griffin, Saradee Griffin, Sheila Griffin, Regan Griffin, Ryan Griffin, Kate Griffin, Anne Griffin, Derek Sharp, Leslie Sharp

Friday afternoon was just spent relaxing and hanging out:

Abby and Dad.
Abby grabs the neck!
Hazel and Mimi...and putting the girls in pajamas and then to bed.

Matt was visiting his Mom, so Dad and I went over to the hotel on Friday night and joined a competitive game of Double-Hearts (two decks, so two sets of hearts and two queens of spades).  Dad was "winning" the most points, so about midway through we made the concerned effort to keep him from getting more hearts/queens of spades.  Meanwhile, Stan kept asking the rest of us to "sacrifice" ... which really meant he wanted the rest of us - not him - to gang up on Daniel and Regan, who had the least amount of points.  :)

Playing cards.  We were told to keep it down by the Embassy Suites
staff...we are pretty rambunctious card players, apparently.
Dad and Stan discuss their hands.
Dad was the first to receive the dreaded "double queens," but Janet soon followed suit.  (haha - cards joke)

Saturday!  Bedlam day!

The Twins Takedown:


Abby:  There's a camera?  Oh, well, helloooo there...

Relaxing on the back porch with the grandparents.

Mimi and the GGs (also sounds like a '50s band).

Abby is wondering what all the fuss is about Bedlam.  Hazel doesn't seem
as concerned.

OU Bedlam victory in its first ever overtime game!  As you can tell,
the girls are thrilled.

Sunday morning we took the girls to my parents' church, albeit under somewhat controlled conditions.  Afterwards they said hello to some of my parents' friends and posed in their cute outfits (with boots!).

Before heading home late on Sunday evening, Hazel and Granddad caught up on the latest news from the New York Times.  Hazel seems pretty intent ... perhaps it was the food section?  ;)

Meanwhile, Abby chills in the Bumbo.  "Hey!  I'm over here!"

All in all, it was a nice, can't wait until Christmas!


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