Several people have asked how our animals reacted to the newest family members. We've generally kept the cats out of baby-centric areas (nursery, cosleepers, etc) and for the most part, the cats ignored the girls (although Little has tried to curl up in the nap nanny several times). Merry, the sweetest dog ever, tends to stay near the girls and seems content with the new family hierarchy.
Now that they are a bit older, Hazel and Abigail are more aware of their surroundings. That includes, of course, the Merrydog and the two cats Raine and Little One (who is no longer "little"). Hazel, especially, has decided she really likes the dog. Any time Merry walks nearby, Hazel's face lights up with a huge grin, and she focuses all of her attention on the Pups. It is the cutest thing to watch.
Abs, on the other hand, seems fascinated with the cats (especially Little, probably because he has no fear to venture near baby hands). It is fun to see her try and pet him; mainly it becomes an attempt to grab his whiskers (at which point we promptly intervene).
It'll be fun to watch the baby-dog-cat dynamic as the girls get older. I know Merry can't wait until the girls get old enough to eat "real people food" ... so they can drop some on the floor for her (as you can imagine, Merry is very fond of toddlers for this reason). :)
Abs, intent on a meandering Merrydog. |
Here, kitty kitty kitty.... |
Abby enjoys trying to pet Little. |
Abby v. Little: The Stare-Off. |
Abby likes trying to play with Merry's ears. Merry is pretty tolerant of it, actually. |
Hazel and Merrydog. |
Look out kitty! |
Forget toys...Merry is walking by! :) |
"" |
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