Saturday, July 21, 2012

Yet Another Photo Shoot

I could probably take thousands of pictures of the girls, if I had the time and the inclination to go through all of them.  I try to temper it somewhat, but it is so much fun to take pictures and then be able to instantly send them to friends and family.  It is so nice to keep everyone connected this way.

Anyway, we did another photo shoot of the girls yesterday before the AFS appointment.  The purpose was to get at least one or two for the birth announcement (success!), as well as capture the cuteness.  This is actually harder than it looks, plus honestly I think Hazel and Abby are even cuter in person than they are via photo.

So here you go!
(Hazel on the left, Abby on the right)
The above picture cracks me up.

(Is Hazel doing the cabbage patch in this last picture????)


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