Thursday, July 26, 2012

Sleeping & Therapy (or not)

So far, so good, on the sleeping front.  The girls have slept basically all night (9/10pm-ish through 6/6:30pm-ish) for three out of the last four nights (Sat, Sun, Mon, & Wed).  Tuesday night/Wednesday morning we reverted back to waking up at 1 am and 4 am, which was rough for me and even rougher for Matt, who took care of the 1 am feed (it was Abby) and ended up staying home from work on Wednesday (I went to work, but can't say I got much done).

Small rant about the state agency that provides the therapy for the girls.  We made an appointment for them to return today, which I thought entailed the therapists actually, you know, working with the girls.  Um, no.  Instead, the SAME people returned and we spent an additional 2-3 hours doing more paperwork.  This now has been the third visit (again, at least we don't have to go anywhere), and combined we've probably spent about 6-8 hours doing paperwork and about 20-30 minutes actually evaluating/working with the girls.  The cost/benefit analysis is a bit out of wack, I think, especially since the girls really aren't behind so far on any major issues, and probably would be okay without it.  But why turn down therapy?  Can't really get too much at this stage.

Ironically, one of the therapists we need was not present at this paperwork go-around, so we'll get another session of that.  Fortunately, though, I think we'll actually have a therapy appointment that involves THERAPY in two weeks.  Hopefully.

Hazel's binky slips out of her mouth while sleeping.

Hazelbear "rarrh" while sleeping.
Hazel:  I've almost got the bottle, Mom!


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