Thursday, July 12, 2012

Four Months Old

The girls are FOUR months old today!  In the immortal words of Keanu Reeves....WHOA.

Hazel: 10 pounds, 7 oz; 20 1/2 in
Abigail:  9 pounds, 8 oz; 21 in

Karen and I took them for their four month checkup today with our pediatrician.  He checked them out, said they looked great, answered some questions we had about food, vitamins, Hazel's prilosec, etc, and then the nurse came in to give them their four month shots (this is one of the few things that follows their actual, not corrected, age).  Now, one of the nice things about being in the NICU was the nurses gave their shots to the girls when they were due and when I was not around.  I didn't realize the latter portion was a good thing until today.

Abby went first, as Karen had just finished feeding her and I was still feeding Hazel.  We put her on the counter and Abby's bopping around, doing her thing, until the nurse sticks her with a needle.  Suddenly she opens her eyes wide and just starts crying.  It was the sweetest and saddest thing ever.  Fortunately it didn't take too long for her to calm down, but oh!  So heartbreaking!

Next up was Hazel.  We weren't quite finished eating (which ended up being helpful), but the nurse was ready to go, so I put her on the counter and held her hands while the nurse jabbed her with the needle.  Hazel was calm.  Then, suddenly, she turned about five shades of red and just let out this horrible cry.  Again, the sweetest and saddest thing ever.  She was SO upset, and crying in my arms.  But, as I mentioned earlier, we hadn't finished eating, so after the nurse was done we had another go at the bottle and that seemed to take her mind off the needle jab.  

While Hazel was upset, though, Karen looked at her and said: "she looks like a tomato!"  Look out, Hazel, we may have a potential costume for you in the future.... :)

On the way home, we stopped by HEB to grab lunch and also to commemorate the four month milestone with cupcakes (the girls couldn't eat them yet, but we could!).

That afternoon, several therapists (an OT and a speech therapist) visited to evaluate the girls and determine if they were eligible for treatment.  After LOTS of paperwork - some of which wasn't even applicable to babies - and some evaluation, we were told the girls could receive therapy.  The nice thing about this group is they visit the home (instead of us having to go to them), so that makes it much less complicated.  We set the next appointment for two weeks.

Closeup of chubby cheeked Hazelbear.

Hazel striking her bear pose while napping in the carseat.

Waiting at the pediatrician's office.  


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