Sunday, July 22, 2012


Well, THAT was nice ... and unexpected.

According to one of the books we read, you can start trying to work on sleep training babies around six weeks of age.  Given that the girls were about six weeks old (corrected) this past week, I thought we could start the process.  Sadly, though, not much progress was made, so I assumed we'd have a ways to go.

Until last night.  We made a discovery that both girls settle down/go to bed with music.  Not nursery rhymes, or something like that.  Nope.  Hazel really enjoyed listening to Mumford & Sons!  It happened to be on my iPhone, which happened to start playing that song, and she quieted down.  How cool is that?

And it gets better...we put Hazel to bed around 9:30 pm and Abby down around 11:15 pm and they both slept until ... SIX THIRTY AM.  Talk about AWESOME.  I'd love to take credit for it, but I have to give all the credit to the girls for powering through the night.  :)'s hoping that's not a one time occurrence, especially since I start work tomorrow!


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