Hazel got her IV out today! Things looked better, and Dr. Wong seemed to think she just had a virus, so there was no further need for antibiotics. She is still on caffeine, though, and still has occasion random bradys/desats. So she's still got some time. Abby is a little trooper and chugging along. Both girls still need some help pacing while they eat, too. But things are good.
Mom and I gave the girls a bath today, with Dad taking pictures with my iPhone, his iPhone, and my "real" camera. Afterwards we took pictures of the girls with Mom, with Dad, with just them, with all of us, and with just me. And, thanks to Kim (our nurse today), all of this was done in about 15 minutes total. We may have set a record for my Dad, in fact. ;) Afterwards Mom and Dad fed Hazel and Abby, respectively, before heading back home. It certainly is quiet around the house tonight with them gone!
I tried to breast feed both girls at the 5:30 assessment, but Hazel was so wiped out from the bath/picture session that she didn't even open her mouth. Abby, as usual, took her time, and then did a good job for about 15 minutes until she bradyed. Afterwards she wouldn't open her mouth either, so I switched over to the bottle and got her to eat 10 ml before leaving due to shift change.
Between the two feeding times, I stayed in the NICU next to the girls, worked on a cross stitch for a friend, and listened to the nurses gossip. Kim gave us the latest update the troubles with her neighbor (short version - last week the neighbor's pit bulls mauled Kim's 14 year old Doberman, the dog lived but the vet bill was $1600, and Kim's neighbor promised to pay her back for the cost, yet hadn't given her anything earlier in the week). On Monday I gave her some basic advice (take pictures, get things in writing), which she appreciated, I think, so I was anxious to hear how everything went. So far, so good, but we'll see. :)
Dad reading a book - ALL of it - to Hazel. |
Pausing for a quick photo op during the bath. |
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