No major developments today in the NICU world. Seems like it has been awhile since I've been able to say that. We visited at the end of the day shift and for a few hours during the evening shift. Nina is doing awesome feeding Abby - she finished her bottle tonight in about 20 minutes!
During the day shift, Hazel got a bath. She was not really happy about it, as you'll see from my pictures. Not much happened during the evening; Nina held/fed Abby and Matt and I switched off with Hazel, who had been squirming like her GI tract was working on something. Well, sure enough, she was. As we were wrapping her up to let her sleep in the crib, she lets 'er rip something fierce. It was pretty quiet in the room (even the radio was very low), so the nurses turn and look our direction quizzically: "was that her??" Oh, yes. So I had a bonus diaper change before we left. :)
Oh, and one other interesting thing: the girls are getting BIG. Hazel was 5 pounds, 15 ounces today (wow!) and Abby was 5 pounds, 9 ounces. They may be six pounds by the middle of next week (Hazel more than likely will be)!
During the day, Matt's mom had a good time making meals for us and putting them in the freezer. The house smelled great! She also made two mixed fruit pies. YUM. Can't wait to try those! After we got back from our evening visit to the NICU, Matt and I caught up on the last How I Met Your Mother episodes for the season. One of the story arcs this season has been the pregnancy of Marshall and Lily. In the season finale, Lily goes into labor much earlier than expected. Of course, hijinks ensue, but everything turns out okay. Matt and I have commented before about how HIMYM generally seems to be tracking our life the last year or 18 months. This confirms it! ;)
Some cute pictures from today:
Hazel splayed out before her bath. |
Cute naked baby. |
Same cute naked baby. |
Unhappy cute naked baby. |
Formerly unhappy naked baby now in a milk coma. |
Abby and Nina. |
"What up my homies..." |
Yes, I have a hole in my hat. It's the latest fashion here in the NICU. |
Abby - about to fall asleep after eating. |
Hazel: "Dad...whoa.....your hand is as big as my head." |
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