Saturday, March 31, 2012


I was able to hold both girls at the same time yesterday!  It was so awesome!  Lots of pictures were taken, and several of the nurses came over to ooh and aah at the cuteness:

I was originally supposed to just hold Hazel (it was her day), but after changing Abigail, she (Abby) was wide awake and staring in our direction.  I mentioned or the nurse (Lindsey) mentioned the possibility of holding her too, and I was like YES!

As for medical stuff, Dr. Breed came by and said Hazel's sodium level was still a bit low, so he was adding sodium to her food to increase it.  Abby's was low normal, so nothing would be added at this time.  He'd then check the girls on Monday (I think that is the normal lab day).  Both were generally doing better with residuals, although they still had feedings with a bunch coming back up.

After getting to hold the girls together for over an hour ... SO awesome, Lindsey put Hazel back, as she was having a few apneas/bradys, and I held Abby alone for another 45 minutes or so.  I finally had to give her back too around 5:45, and during this feeding/diaper change she was clothed for the first time!  Check out her cute outfit ... I know her dad really liked it:

Last night Matt and I stayed up way too late talking about which insurance to select, but I think we finally figured it out.  Is it possible the whole topic could be any more confusing???


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